We were taught to approach life from a perspective of fear, survival, lack and scarcity. We were taught that life is about destinations, and that when we get to point X be it marriage or college degree or fame and fortune or whatever - we will live happily ever after.
Of course, this is not the way life works and you already know that and probably discarded that fairy tale ending intelluctually a long time ago. On the emotional and imprint level we keep looking for it because that is what the child in us was taught. We keep living life as if it is a dress rehearsal for "when our ship comes in". For when we really start to live. For when we get that relationship, or accomplishment or money that will make us okay, that will fix us.
We do not require
FIXING because we are
NOT BROKEN. Our sense of self, our self perception, was shattered and fractures and broken into pieces, not our
We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are all here to learn and we are here to go through this process that is life. Finally we are here to feel these feelings. Doing our emotional and imprint healing allows us to feel clear about what what is in front of us instead of torturing ourselves by obsessively thinking, trying to figure out what is right and what is wrong.
Let us first look at some definitions before we continue, Obsessive thinking is an emotional defense and is a manifestations of codependancy. Being in our heads, thinking, fantasizing, ruminating, is a defense we adapted in childhood to help is disassociate from the emotional pain we were experiencing. It is not for our highest good because it keeps us focused on the future or the past, we miss out on being live today, in the NOW. It is not for our highest good because our attempts to
ESCAPE unpleasant feelings causes us to generate more unpleasant feelings.
Worry which can be described as negative fantasizing, is a reaction to fear of the unknown which creates more fear, which creates more worry, which creates more fear and so on. This fear is a manifestation of codependancy, a distorted, magnified, virulent, mutated species of fear caused by the poisonous combination of a false Belief that being human is shameful with a polarized (black and white, right and wrong) perspective of life. This self perpetuating, self destructive type of obsessive thinking feeds not only on fear, but on shaming ourselves for feeling the fear!
Codependancy is a useless emotional defense system adapted by our egos to help us survive. The polarized perspective of life we were programmed with in early childhood from our environment and imprint creation as well as inherited imprints, causes us to be afraid of making a mistake, of doing life "wrong". At the core of our being, we feel unlovable and unworthy and we spend great amounts of Energy trying to keep our shameful defectiveness a secret. We feel that , if we were perfect like we "
SHOULD" be, we would not feel fear and confusion and would have reached "happily ever after" by now. So, we shame ourselves for feeling fear, which adds gasoline to the inferno of fear that is driving us. The shame and fear that drive obsession becomes so painful and "crazy making" that at some point we have to find a way to shut down our minds for a little while - drugs, alcohol, food, sleep, shopping, television, sex, etc.
This is a very sad way to relate to life. The fear we are empowering is about the future, shame is about the past. We are not capable of being in the
NOW and enjoying life because we are caught up in trauma melodramas about things which have not yet happened - or wallowing in orgies of self recrimination about the past, which can not be changed. Codependant behavior does not allow one to really live life in line with their Higher Self and shadows the Essence of the TRUE Self. IT is very important that these imprints be removed from the energetic field.
Obsessive thinking and compulsive behavior is caused by, and fed by, fear and shame. The feeling that the world will come to an end if____ doesn't happen, or that it has come to an end because ____ happened, is a feeling coming from the wounded child within and related imprints firing. It is the result of early childhood emotional trauma and the subconscious programming adapted by our egos to help us survive at a time when we were helpless and powerless.
An adult is not helpless and powerless. We are, however, powerless to know that, as long as we are
UNCONSCIOUSLY reacting to repressed emotional energy and imprints and programming from the subconscious. It is impossible to see our self or life clearly when we are caught up in trauma dramas (internally and externally) that feel life threatening. It is our codependancy that we are in denial of our emotions at the same time we are allowing unconscious imprint programming and the feelings of the Inner Child to define and dictate our lives.
Removing the imprints, programming, beliefs and other energetic blockages will help a person take power away from the fear and shame that drives obsessive thinking. Learning to be companssionate in our relationship
WITH OUR SELF by not shaming ourselves for being human beings, will help to take power away from the obsessive thinking.
Love is the answer to obsession but not the love of another person. Learning to be
LOVING TO YOURSELF and remembering that there is a
LOVING HIGHER POWER is the best way to stop obsessive thinking.
written by Nicole Lavoie
information from