Monday, January 18, 2010

Stop ~ Breath ~ Positive Thoughts

Relate to all things with kindness * Remind yourself to speak purely and lovingly * Every morning, resolve to keep a wide-open heart and mind * Omit needless words * Being generous is a blessing * Be cheerful for no reason * Put all the happiness you can into each moment * Watch the way you walk, breathe, smile and react * Witnessing is enough - you do not need to act * Become more loving and you will become more joyful * Inhale pure love. Exhale pure peace * Ask yourself whether what you are about to say or do will be useful * Remember that worrying is pointless - it only adds to your suffering * Turn a source of irritation into an opportunity to be mindful * Counting your breath occupies your mind so that your mind doesn't occupy you * Be soft when you feel harsh * From the moment you get up, be mindful, making your whole day a meditation * Take delight in your surroundings. Be interested in everything - the trees, the clouds, the cars, and the people - around you * Notice the silence between sounds and the space between thoughts * Instead of pushing to your next destination, just enjoy the process of getting there * Look for the small things; you will see more of the details of life * See perfection in imperfection * Be patient with yourself. A calm and peaceful mind is the only way to overcome failure * Give positive energy to others while expecting nothing in return * Take breaks throughout the day to recharge your spiritual batteries * Practice moderation and restraint * Remind yourself to be happy * Do what is beneficial. Send forth positive energy * Carry a sense of openness and wholeness within you. Use your breath to help you renew this feeling * Speak mindful words. Don't ramble; say only what is important * Live your life now instead of waiting for the future * Notice acts of beauty in yourself and others, and use them for inspiration * Feel the simple joy of being alive and share it with everyone you meet today * Let your effort be relaxed and steady * Cultivate your own spirit. Do not look for something outside yourself * Be grateful for even the smallest wonders * Be fresh and pleasant * Each day, view your life as a process and mindfully embrace each stage * Smiling makes you happy and attractive * Take time to be with nature, people, music and children * Make a promise to enjoy every minute of every day * Listen to your heart, maintain a sense of humour, and follow the middle way * Feel the simple loving presence in each moment * Think that your life is as interesting and miraculous as the moon, the stars, and the universe * Learn not to want what you want. Recognize desires, but do not be controlled by them * Sense the surrounding space that connects you to everything *

taken from 'self-meditation' by barbara ann kipfer

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Don't use the words could-a would-a should-a when talking to yourself.
These only lead to begative self talk.
Give yourself more credit for a job well done.
Use positive self talk and affirmations when you talk to yourself.
Replace all the negative thoughts with positive ones.....

You can handle changes when they come your way.
There is nothing that you cannot handle.
You are a capable human being.
You will only take on what you can handle each day.
You will like yourself better each day.

Give yourself positive, encouraging statements. Repeat them constantly and your mind will act on them. Work at feeling good about yourself. Don't allow your inner voices to overcome your beautiful self with negativity.

Tell yourself that you are special. Say to yourself ....

I am a good person.
I deserve to be happy.
I am successful in all that I do.
I am a winner.
Success and health comes naturally to me.
I am important.

I only do things that will make my life better.
I am strong.

I am creating my ultimate life.
I am honest with my feelings.
I am assertive.
I am courageous.

Make small changes every day and you will start to feel more self confidence.

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"I was made for greatness. Each time I step out of my comfort zone I experience growth in some way -- be it personally or professionally. I was not meant to live my life as a static being -- never experiencing change of any sort. I was born to spend each day being the best I can be -- striving to unleash my utmost potential.
When I move in the direction of my dreams, no matter insurmountable it may appear in this moment, all sorts of people, life situations, and opportunities appear which move me forward, like a snowball down a hill picking speed to bring my dreams into reality. Through action, persistence, and a willingness to learn along the way my goals and dreams are transformed into reality!"

"In the moment that I take even the smallest of action on whatever I may be resisting -- the resistance begins to subside. Procrastination shrinks with action."

"Today I will spend time looking for ways to do what is best for others. When I consider the needs of others -- and look for ways ongoing to genuinely serve them I create a vacuum
effect which may go unseen, but exists just the same. When I practice acts of kindness, more of that is exactly what makes its way into my own life."

"Today I will make the most of this day. I will do the same tomorrow, and the day after. In doing so I know that I will experience the positive outcome I hope for. You and I can overcome whatever life challenges we may face. Each day find comfort in knowing that the right actions you are taking are indeed moving you on the path towards achievement in your particular endeavor.
Every day look for ways to do those things which will move you closer to what you wish to achieve. Each time you do one of the tasks you've identified you are making real progress.
When you do the thing you are resisting you give power to that part of you which propels you even further on your own personal success journey."
by Josh Hinds

word visualization

I try to remember to write a list every night of 'to do's' for the following day.
I've read to keep it short so you are not overwhelmed. Try is the operate word here.
Usually I make a long list of things I want to accomplished/work on and check them off during the week as I finish them.
I should probably categorized them better.
1. house hold chores
2. projects
3. goals
4. etc....
Instead I bunch them all togther and don't accomplish much.
It does feel good to check off that list though.

"Write down on a card who you are and what your abilities are or what you would like to accomplish. Focus your eyes on the word. Give it all your attention and hold this thought for 15-30 minutes. Do this exercise every night for 3 weeks to burn the image of your goal into your mind." steve moore, on to help you achieve your goals


It doesn't have to be a chore.
Do something you enjoy. I love walking and hiking. I love yoga.
I love to dance and do aerobics.
"Exercise produces endorphins that make you feel better and raise your spirits"
They say you should get 30 minutes a day at least 3 times a week of activity.

It's the motivation that I lack in sometimes. I'll go a week of exercising and loving it. Then the next week I won't do anything. Got to work on that.